Monday, February 25, 2008

New Challenge

Some of my readers have criticized me for being too harsh on Mike of AlpineV.  I think they were right.  So I am issuing a challenge.

I am offering my blog as a forum for Mike, Cade and Lonny to answer questions about AlpineV.  Any questions that they feel comfortable answering, they can.  Any questions they don't feel comfortable answering, they don't have to.  It will be an information session of sorts.

This is the information age, we might as well use it to educate everyone on the health benefits of AlpineV!  What do you think?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Lance,

I am one of the co-founders of AlpineV. We have lots of inquiries and I like to reply to some of these.

MLM is a very interesting industry. No matter what industry you are in however some questions you ask are very private, unless you are a publicly traded company.

We have been perfecting our business model and have very recently been reaching out to MLM pros to begin the promotion phase of our business. So you have discovered us at the beginning of our growth.

We have one of the industry’s best compensation plans which will pay well to successful business builders.

Each distributor is a business independent from AlpineV. They keep their own hours, fund their own marketing, etc. Most at this time are new to MLM while others have had great success in the past. You can do a simple search on the Internet to find all you want to know about MLM, network marketing, direct selling, etc. Beware of distributors who publicize their earnings as it is not representative of a typical distributor’s income and can lead a person into MLM with inflated expectations. MLM is for people who love to refer good products to others and are willing to work hard to earn money while doing that.

Most of your questions are business-based. If you have an interest in trying MLM as a business opportunity, make your decision carefully, know what you are getting into, and decide beforehand to work hard as it is not a get-rich-quick venture.

Things are going well for us. You will see important press releases in the near future.

The scientific name for the Alpine Sandthorn Berry is “Hippophae rhamnoides” and you can go to to search this scientific name for the many studies that have been registered with the government regarding this super-fruit.

You will not find any published studies on AlpineV, nor will you find any health claims about it. You will find benefits attributed to some of its ingredients that have scientific backing. Government regulations prohibit marketing any "proven" benefits of the product itself (there are none) as that would classify the product as something other than a dietary supplement. No smoken mirrors, no hiding behind anything, just keeping within regulations the government has set.

Both Mike and I have asked to learn more about you and your “recovery” story, yet you want the world to believe we do not want to communicate with you. You want the world to believe Mike refused to talk with you and only wanted to give you a sales pitch (which is the furthest from the truth). It is you who is refusing to talk to us. What are you afraid of?

The invitation is still open for you to call us and talk with us.

This is a relationship business. If you cannot communicate with people in this business then this business is not for you. Don't be offended, it is just the nature of this industry.

I also noticed you left up your post on your criticism of Mike, yet took down the others who took you to task. Again, what are you afraid of?

Be a man, drop the silliness and give us a call.

By the way, you keep insisting on trying to get us to promote the health benefits of AlpineV. I have addressed this in a private email to you already. Your persistence on this issue leads me to believe you are looking for someone (anyone) to trip up and attribute health benefits to the product instead of some of the ingredients. We are a legitimate company with a legitimate product trying to make a positive difference. If your intent is negative, I would invite you to spend that kind of energy elsewhere. Otherwise, simply communicate like the rest of the world does. We look forward to it.


Lonny Stanford

Below is the email response I sent to you about your interesting "recovery":

Hi Lance,

We are excited to learn of your recovery. That is quite remarkable!

While we do not claim AlpineV is a miracle juice, we do know it can play a key role in providing the body important nutrition to help the body function the way nature intended it.

From what we know about cancer recovery, it is a multi-faceted miracle that involves proper diet and nutrition, medical interventions, appropriate exercise and rest, positive attitudes and temperament, hope and faith, support of loved ones, prayer and meditation, humor, and shear desire to live, among many other things that we have no control over. Sometimes a focus in any of these areas can have a dramatic affect on the others.

We would like to learn more about your story if you have the time and desire.

Thanks for sharing such a personal triumph with us.

To your success!