Wednesday, February 20, 2008

AlpineV? Maybe not.

So I contacted Mike Haynes, one of the founders of AlpineV, for some information.  I figure that he would freely give out their stats, such as the number of distributors, etc. to an eager potential distributor who wants to make an educated decision about joining.  Especially one who is already sold on the product!

I was wrong.  He wouldn't give me any information without listening to his sales pitch.  Maybe he didn't take me seriously because I've never done the MLM thing before and don't have an extensive "downline" to bring to their company.  Whatever the reason, I'm totally dumbfounded.  Can any of my readers help me to understand what is going on here?  Are all MLM's this secretive?  It's not like I asked for his credit card number, or his social security number or anything.

It appears that the moral of this story is: 

1) You won't get any respect from MLM's unless you have a "downline"
2) I need to start a new blog with a different name
3) I need to find another super fruit juice



Anonymous said...

why so negative Lance.... this wasn't your finest blog entry... I humbly suggest WRITING ABOUT POSITIVE THINGS... not focuing on negative stuff.... esp about such a tiny issue... someone must have hurt your feelings and produced this negative emotion from you
..... just the act of you posting a blog message about an mlm company owner shows that you CAN BE pretty tough on people who communicate with you....... are you going to post a negative blog anout MY COMMENTS NOW ? or will you be the greaty guy you are and accept some corrective critisism...
the glass sounded half-full buddy.... you LIKED THEIR PRODUCT (and I did a little homework and found out that the AlpineV product just happens to be one of the better Scientifically Proven Exotic Liquid Nutritional Suppliments in 08)
and the OWNER of an mlm co WAS TALKING TO YOU... how many co's owners can any of us talk too ? not many - they are ALL too busy for most new distr's
and it is true... newbie's don't get as much respect that proven mlm veteran builders do ANYWHERE IN LIFE or Business or MLM... that's just the way life is... we all have to PROVE OURSELVES and show respect and PRODUCE RESULTS and then leaders notice us...

he didn't answer questions regarding the number of distr's in his company... and 99% of all mlm leader won't - they don't talk much about financial or business stuff............ try to find out this info from ANY mlm admin staff... they are ALL tight lipped
I don't know you... but I do know that your blog sounded like someone hurt your "feelings" ... I respectfully suggest that you REMAIN PRO-ACTIVE, POSITIVE AND BE HAPPY THAT YOU FOUND MLM ;-)
show the rest of the world on the internet the better side of who you are...... isn't wasn't your best work or finest hour..... I look forward to seeing a positive reply... a happy attitude.... and I hope you find a good home in the mlm industry - - - you will do great... just focus on WHATS RIGHT.... not whats wrong ;-)
Captain D

Robert Kuntz said...

Hey there...

Being an industry professional for 20 years and on the other side of the spectrum from where you are coming from I have to side with Dave on his post.

No disrespect, but it does seem that you are talking from a "glass half empty" state of mind.

I have actually talked to Mike on 3 occasions now and find him to be of the highest caliber of individual when it comes to human beings.

I can understand his reluctance in stating the actual number of members. Being a company owner and investing what they have in this company and product, you have to be like a father protecting a child when another person gives (suggestive) critisism concerning your child.

In your case, "How many distributors?" to a company owner could be construed as "If not that many, must not be good"...when in all actuallity, not that many in this case means REALLY GOOD.

The reason I say that is I have been in the industry for a long time and I can tell you, being in many, many start up companies, I have seen what makes or breaks a start up. Though, these guys are new...they have so much going for them that I did something that I said I would never do...I joined a juice company.

Why? Because EXACTLY what is stated as a "concern" here - NO ONE knows about this company. They have "VERY FEW" people in this thing and their presentations, THEIR PRODUCT and the integrity of the people behind the company is GOOD - REAL GOOD.

These guys really have what it takes to be the next XANGO/MONA-VIE/HERBALIFE - and even God forbid, AMWAY.

So, chastise, throw stones or suggestion is dig in and take advantage of the timing because 2 years from now when you ask how many people are in, it will be a totally different answer - one that should reflect a good percentage of your downline if you took advantage of the opportunity today.

Just my thoughts...

Robert Kuntz
(813) 712-9777

Lance Kirkland said...

Thanks for reading and taking the time to craft your lengthy response. Although I can understand how one might mistake my comments as being the result of "hurt feelings," I don't think that is an accurate way to describe my emotional reaction to the situation with Mike and AlpineV. I think I would describe my reaction as shock. Perhaps I attached myself to AlpineV too quickly.

As I mentioned, this is my first real introduction to the MLM world, so I was surprised at the response from Mr. Haynes. True, he did respond, I have to give credit where due. That could be a sign of a good personal company, but it could also be the sign of a company that doesn't have much going on.

Regardless, you are right. I do need to focus on positive things. Speaking of positive things, I'm happy to hear that you have discovered that the AlpineV product has been proven scientifically! Please share your findings! This is the kind of information that I was looking for from Mike. Who wouldn't want to share that! Please forward what you have found so we can share this information with the world!

Lance Kirkland said...

Robert, you have a valid point. If this were any other type of organization, other than an MLM, I wouldn't dream of asking a company professional for this type of information. However, MLM's are different because they put out this call for everyone to join the organization. Doesn't this justify providing a little information, so that those investigating the opportunity can make an educated decision? I understand that AlpineV may not be different than any other MLM in that they want to protect this information. Do you think this may be the reason that MLM's get such a bad rap? I really wanted AlpineV to be different than all of those other shady pyramid schemes.

Personally, I need to know if the organization is viable before I spend $50 a bottle on juice (I apologize for not knowing the actual cost). We all know that when you buy the product, you aren't just exchanging your money for the value in the bottle. You are also investing in the company and as a distributor expect a return. For me there is too much risk involved in making this investment without knowledge about the organization.

I hope this clarifies my desire for information. It's not that I just want to snoop around. I want to be educated! Thanks for reading!

Robert Kuntz said...

Hey Lance,

I see you just posted and wanted to comment again. As far as not much going on is concerned, TRUST ME when I say that THIS IS GOOD with a company of this caliber.

I have done my homework and...

1. These guys are not only credible they have REALLY done a superb job in building the foundation for a company that can handle some serious growth.
2. The product has the science behind it that shows it to be BETTER than the over-priced juice company products out there that are on their way to 1 BILLION in sales.

So, a company that has the management and the product, that has the integrity with a true interest in "what's right for the distributor" - I have to say that they have a winner that NO ONE knows about yet.

Timing in this industry is CRUCIAL. Imagine being the first one in XANGO or Herbalife for that matter... Trust me, you will look back two years from now and be blown away by their growth. This, I would just about guarantee...

Robert Kuntz
(813) 712-9777